How to Connect a Wifi Router to a Mobile Hotspot

How to Connect a Wifi Router to a Mobile Hotspot

Everyone wants to get the most out of their WIFI Connection, and one way of doing this is by connecting your WIFI Router to a Mobile Hotspot. Although it is possible, it can be pretty complicated. If you are not the most tech-savvy, this process may not be for you. 

In theory, connecting a mobile hotspot to your router will eliminate the need for your cable internet connection if you have unlimited mobile data, saving you money and allowing you to have unlimited data around your home. 

You should not consider doing this if you don’t have an unlimited data plan on your phone because the tethering process alone could completely max out your data limit if you have a cap on your data plan.


How to Connect Your WIFI Router to Your Mobile Hotspot 


These are the steps to connect your mobile hotspot to your WIFI router. 

1. Having the Right WIFI Router 

You can’t just connect your mobile hotspot to any router. You need to have a WIFI router that allows you to do mobile tethering. There are possibilities of getting around this by using your phone and the WIFI hotspot, but that would negatively impact your phone’s battery after long-term use, so having a WIFI router with mobile tethering is the best option. 

2. Connecting Your Phone To The WIFI Router 

When connecting your phone, you will need to attach it to your router using a USB cable, and if your router lets you do mobile tethering, it should come with extra cables. Having your phone plugged into your router will allow a strong connection via your mobile hotspot and help you have a connection without running out of your mobile battery power.

3. Get Your WIFI Hotspot Going 

Once tethered to your WIFI router, you will be able to create a mobile hotspot around your home, and your WIFI Router will hold up that connection and do a lot of the heavy workload to provide a stable and fast signal. 


Final Thoughts 

Tethering your WIFI Router to a Mobile Hotspot is the best way of having an internet connection without the hassle of connecting your WIFI Router via a LAN cable and helping create a more robust internet signal and connection.

Related Questions

For mobile internet, is a Smartphone, Hotspot or Router Better? 

These options are all viable and depend on your personal preference. If you are looking for a dependable connection, using a portable router connected to a cable internet via the Ethernet ports is the best option.

Can you use a VPN with your new tethered connection?

In theory, yes. Look at the terms of your VPN service and what they include within their package, and how to connect it to a cellular data connection.

Is there a way I can have WIFI anywhere I go?

Having a mobile device that gives you unlimited data will allow you to have a variety of wireless access connections to the internet from WIFI connections, 4G and 5G connections no matter where you are in the world.


I'm Shannon, a modern technology specialist with expertise in high-end tech. I also love a challenge related to connectivity issues. As a tech geek my background is in both retail and commerce environments, and you'll see me writing user guides and helpful articles to get your devices working as they should be.

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